Frager Signature Creation "if you can think it, we can create it" design party planning service. We do designs to add your personal touch, that will have your guest "WOW" at your event. We can also do custom design for themed event and much more. We specialized in personal gifts as well as birthday parties, fund raisers, baby showers, graduations, celebration of life, school occasions, retirement parties, weddings etc. We handle all of the work, backdrops and balloons arches, center pieces. We provide printing services for menus, brochures, invitations, business flyers, party favors, obituaries, and death notifications. We can also handle your "Celebration of Life" prints such as death notifications and obituaries. You will be pleased with our custom services! Rather you are bridesmaid wing girl, birthday "Bish", a worker, family on vacation, team spirit, or t-shirts in remembrance of your loved one. We can handle custom sublimations on keychains, necklace, t-shirts, socks, candles or cell phone cases. Give us your idea and specialty and we can come up with the ultimate celebration. 

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